Neuron Markets is a registered trademark of Neuron Markets Ltd, a financial services company registered in Saint Lucia under Registration No. 2024-00125.
The services provided by Neuron Markets ( are operated by Neuron Markets Ltd and its affiliated entities. The company may extend its services to multiple jurisdictions, subject to regulatory approvals and local compliance requirements.
Trading in financial instruments involves significant risk, including the potential loss of your entire investment. Financial markets are highly volatile, and trading results may vary. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Performance Disclaimer:
Past performance of trading strategies, signal providers, or automated systems does not guarantee future success.
There is no assurance that any account will replicate the profits or losses of another trader.
Significant variations often occur between hypothetical performance and actual trading results.
Hypothetical Performance Results:
Results displayed on this website are derived from demonstration (“demo”) accounts.
These results assume ideal trading conditions, including:
Access to unlimited funds, preventing margin calls and large drawdowns.
Execution of trades without price slippage, liquidity issues, or broker commissions.
Bid/ask prices based on demo accounts, which may differ from real market conditions.
Live Trading Conditions:
Live trading conditions vary due to:
Market fluctuations and broker execution differences.
Slippage and individual trading decisions.
Customers may:
Be unable to replicate the same number of trades due to insufficient capital.
Experience execution discrepancies based on broker pricing and liquidity.
Choose to follow multiple traders, affecting performance outcomes.
No Guarantees:
There are no guarantees that the trading strategies, signals, or automated systems offered by Neuron Markets will be profitable.
The trading systems presented are intended for experienced traders who fully understand the risks involved.
Before engaging in trading, consider consulting a qualified financial professional to assess your risk tolerance and investment suitability. Neuron Markets does not provide financial advice regarding specific trading signals or strategies.
Legal Information: Neuron Markets Ltd. is a Limited Company registered in Saint Lucia with registration number 2024-00125. Neuron Markets is the trading name of Neuron Markets Ltd. The Neuron Markets Ltd is a company and its assets are a controlling equity interest in its subsidiaries.
Neuron Markets International is registered in Mauritius with License number GB23201856 and authorized by Financial Services commission (FSC) Mauritius.
Risk Warning: Our products are traded on margin and carry a high level of risk and it is possible to lose all your capital. These products may not be suitable for everyone and you should ensure that you understand the risks involved.
Neuron Markets Ltd. does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions such as the USA, Belgium, Iran, Canada and North Korea.
Neuron Markets is a Trademark owned by an entity of the Neuron Markets Ltd. All other trademarks that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners.
Legal Information: Neuron Markets Ltd. is a limited company registered in Saint Lucia under registration number 2024-00125. “Neuron Markets” is the trading name of Neuron Markets Ltd. The company holds a controlling equity interest in its subsidiaries.
Neuron Markets International is registered in Mauritius under license number GB23201856 and is authorized by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Mauritius.
Risk Warning: Trading our products involves margin-based transactions that carry a high level of risk. It is possible to lose your entire capital. These products may not be suitable for all investors, and you should fully understand the risks before engaging in trading.
Neuron Markets Ltd. does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions, including but not limited to the USA, Belgium, Iran, Canada, and North Korea.
Trademark Notice: “Neuron Markets” is a registered trademark owned by an entity of Neuron Markets Ltd. All other trademarks displayed on this website are the property of their respective owners.