Terms & Conditions.

Promotion Terms and Conditions

a) Lucky Draws will be held after around 03 to 04 months of “Promotion’s announcement. Draws will be held in Dubai office and will be live streamed on social media platforms.

b) For Every 5000$ Deposit, Trader will get one coupon for cars draw. And For every Accumulative direct sales of 5000$, IB will get one coupon for cars draw.

c) For Every Deposit of 2000$, Trader will get one coupon for MacBook-Air draw. And for Every direct Accumulative deposits of 2000$, IB will get one coupon for MacBook Air Draw.

d) Minimum Trading requirement (06 – Lots closing on every 1000$ Deposit in Forex & Commodities) is must to participate in draw for every coupon. Minimum holding period of Basic Deposited Equity, in order to participate in draw is 30 – days. Withdrawals from Profits are allowed. But any withdraw from original Basic Deposited Equity will cancel the coupon.

e) Coupons generated before Draw Date, in case of winning, must have to hold equity for 30 days.

f) Any IB generating 10-coupons of 5000$, will be offered a fully paid trip to Dubai, to participate in Live Lucky Draws in Dubai office.

g) Minimum Trading requirement is 6 standard lots closings for every one thousand deposit (in Forex &Commodities only).


The 25% bonus is tradable only for 60 days.

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